Saturday, June 10, 2006


Tonight I was sent a link to download this pregnancy countdown thingy-majigy. It's a little freaky, actually. According to this, we have 56 days or 1,322 hours until launch date. (It also counts out the minutes & seconds, but let's not even go there!) It has told me that we are 80.333% 'done' and that the baby's irises are reacting to light now. (All the senses are up & running, although I guess smell might be difficult what with the lack of air and all.) I guess I'd better get busy with these last 79,295 minutes - still have a crib to put back together (assuming all the pieces are still around), some baby items to buy (little things like a car seat), and some decisions to make - doula, no doula? A NAME? (Just minor issues, really!) Crap, down to 79,293, I'd better run...


Turner said... a car seat really necessay Britney?!

Lorraine said...

Isn't that why we have an SUV with airbags and stuff? So we don't have to hassle with petty things like seat belts? Thanks - I'll just cross that one off my list. :)

All Jacks' said...

Do you have a link to this countdown?

Lorraine said...

Nope, I lost the link, sorry. :(